Orange Friendly

Orange Friendly Silkscreen & Artistry

Fruit of the Soul 2006 recap

Posted By Kelly Orange on August 1, 2006

Fruit of the Soul 2006 was awesome! Thanks to all the artists that donated their work, we made $850.00 from art sales to give to the San Diego Music Foundation & were still able to give the artists some money from that! How awesome is that? People were buying things left & right, I didn’t even have a second to sit down! It was a great party & I’ve already started thinking about next year, even though I’m still not fully recovered from this one. I think it is just the most amazing thing that so many people can come together, have a good time and support the arts. Thanks to all the people that came and helped us set up & take down (you rule!), and thanks to all my friends, new & old who came out, supported me & even bought some cool art! I was sweating the entire night, which kind of sucked, but I was so wrapped up that I didn’t even notice really. Niamh & Janelle I love you guys… passion will get you everywhere & you are two that I will never lose touch with. The Harrington brothers who own Specialty Produce, are so awesome & made us feel at home & thanks to all the vendors that came out and donated their food & services.

So now Janelle & I have curated 3 shows & this one, by far was the most awesome experience. Working for free is hard, but it’s all worth it in the end & having an awesome partner to work with makes it so much better! Live & Learn. I’m glad our crabbiness doesn’t get the best of us…..I heart you.

stay tuned for pictures….. ;)

ps myspace is starting to suck……but I’m listening to Tristan Prettyman so all will be ok

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