Orange Friendly

Orange Friendly Silkscreen & Artistry

it’s always 10:15 in the garage

Kelly Orange | August 7, 2006

I keep this broken clock that says it’s 10:15. I guess it means something to me….it belonged to my friend Chris, we used it to time the flash drier when we first started Orange Friendly. That was 2 years ago, or 2 1/2. I can’t remember, but that reminds me I have to pay my [...]

Fruit of the Soul 2006 recap

Kelly Orange | August 1, 2006

Fruit of the Soul 2006 was awesome! Thanks to all the artists that donated their work, we made $850.00 from art sales to give to the San Diego Music Foundation & were still able to give the artists some money from that! How awesome is that? People were buying things left & right, I didn’t [...]