Orange Friendly

Orange Friendly Silkscreen & Artistry

Day 1 v.2: Dinner at Stix

Kelly Orange | September 20, 2008

I`m still in Day 1 here people, or at least I`m sober enough now in Day 2 to write about it. So after a short rest after lunch, we put some beverages in water bottles & grabbed a cooler and some cushions and headed down to the Seawall for a little sunset action and some [...]

Day 1: Lunch at Dragon

Kelly Orange | September 20, 2008

It`s already Saturday September 20th here, I`ve lost a day…but since it`s September 19th at home we are celebrating international talk like a pirate day here….so I`ll start out with this one….Q: What`s a pirate`s favorite color? A: AAAAARNGE You love it. So anyways, aside from that I`ve already taken my shoes off a bunch [...]