Orange Friendly

Orange Friendly Silkscreen & Artistry

Dia de los muertos

Posted By Kelly Orange on November 6, 2008

I love this time of year. I love when it gets cold and I can drink hot apple cider and wear slippers and sweatshirts and the air is crisp. I’m glad I don’t live where there is snow though, that’s for sure. I can take the chilling 40 degree weather, but I won’t stand for anything lower than that. I know I’m a whimp, but I guess if I had to, I’d get used to it, but shoot….. I don’t want to. My feet don’t like the confinement of shoes, and I don’t have to rotate clothing.

This past weekend, since I had to work on Halloween, I decided to celebrate the day after more heavily. Dia De Los Muertos or All Saints Day. I have been making an altar for a couple of years now mostly for my grandmother, but I also include other loved ones that have passed on… I can’t believe it’s been 8 years she has been gone. It’s calming and meditative to create something in honor of someone…. just to celebrate and think about them. I hung pictures & symbols, I put out peanuts and cards, knitting needles and yarn, fresh flowers, fruit, dog treats, candies, skulls, water, milk, and of course a couple of 7&7′s, a Bloody Mary & a glass of red wine. I lit candles and incense and wrote a letter and caught myself stopping and staring at the flickering flames as I cleaned the house for our visitors.

I’m pretty sure Rick was confused as to why I was doing all this, but he found pictures of his friends and family that have passed and taped them up by mine and by the evening when it was all put together we both stood there and marveled at our display that only we would understand the significance of.

I think of you often Grandma…
and Grandpa Jack, Mary, & Cheyenne.

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