Posted By Kelly Orange on November 3, 2009

Today has been one of those good days….
Niamh and I have been nominated for a Stay Classy Award for our fundraising efforts by way of Fruit of the Soul. The category we’re up for is “Most Creative Fundraising Event Hosted by an Individual.” It’s a pretty flattering to be nominated, for one; for two be picked as a finalist out of 500. Quite an honor. It’s also pretty cool to be sitting next to AJ in the Morning and to be recognized next to many others who choose to give back. Not to mention that we kinda break the mold and somehow Niamh & I together are considered an Individual. We are kinda halves of the same brain. Anyways… I’m babbling. Again.
Somehow I missed Pi Beta Phi – they’re many individuals as well.
Vote for us now by going to There’s only two weeks of voting!
Our awesome friends & one of the beneficiaries of Fruit of the Soul, ARTS: A Reason To Survive is up for “Charity of the Year” & our water sponsor, Nika Water is up for “Most Significant Impact by a Business” –
Vote, and if anything get out there and get involved or find ways to help, really just spreading the word has a huge impact on a tiny little cause. Contact me if you want to come to the awards ceremony, let’s get a huge group of people to get dressed up, raise $$$$ & have a great time! It’s only $20
“Don’t dream your life. Live your Dream.” — Mr. Gregory Page ((pssssst. He’s playing the show))
Thank you Broni for drilling that in my head & showing me that my own backyard has great treasures… even ones some dream about flying around the world for.
Category: fruit of the soul
Tags: fruit of the soul, stay classy
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