Orange Friendly

Orange Friendly Silkscreen & Artistry

Wednesdays are nice

Posted By Kelly Orange on June 28, 2006

I spent hours today painting. Hours. It was great. I can finally paint, moving around my piles into different rooms made everything complicated. I should give half of it away. It’s hard but I’m getting better at the whole, I don’t need this shit anymore thing. I’m very sentimental so everything has meaning. Even when something makes me think of sad times I still like it, I even like the feeling, that is why I can’t let go of it. It’s all the memories that are really in my head, but it’s the objects that support that memory & I’m affraid of losing feeling so I can’t let go. You know when you see someone after a considerable amount of time, how it brings back floods of memory & thoughts that don’t go away for hours & hours. Those are the hours and hours that I use to make art, otherwise I’d be wasting the hours just thinking…and another one goes by

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