Orange Friendly

Orange Friendly Silkscreen & Artistry


Posted By Kelly Orange on July 20, 2006

That was fun, let’s do it again. I think the more drunk you are the easier it is to vomit. Album Leaf rules, my friends old & new rule, red wine rules, I’m not sure if Patron rules & all the recent artmaking and viewing rules. I don’t like rules, or rulers of the human kind. There is crazy negativity swirling around my world, but oddly I feel excited about things to come & am trying to let it go as much as possible…..except when I get awoken at 7 am by screaming. Everything is intertwined, you are affected by things happening everywhere. It all trickles down. Thanks to Tonya, her car & her roomate for picking us up and dropping me at home. I laughed as I tripped going up the stairs, and fell into bed. 6degrees.

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