Orange Friendly

Orange Friendly Silkscreen & Artistry

Rebutia arenaceae Orangey cactus

Posted By Kelly Orange on March 20, 2010

I want one of these

Figuring out where to land-

Posted By Kelly Orange on March 19, 2010

Once upon a time I worked at a record store, where I held an art show & sold a piece to a nice guy who was really excited about buying it for his girlfriend.

It’s fun, I should sell more art.  At some point I’ll run out of those tired prints & paintings from the record store days, and even college days.  Hmmn, what happened.

Back to my story… You never know who’s wall your art is going to end up on, and most interesting to me is what wall does it end up on?  What’s next to it, what’s below it, what room is it in…This is where she went.

One of my favorite things is years after seeing a piece leave my hands, finding the person who’s looked at it almost every day since.  Smoking Girl

We’d never met before she came to my office a few weeks ago and managed to put it all together & agreed to send me these pictures.  Thanks Danica!

I’m in a completely different line of work now… a far cry from managing a tiny record store & having lots of art shows around town, but it happened.

How did I land in this position?  Through a route of creative exploration, ever increasing dedication, an event that is Fruit of the Soul.

Working on it already.