Orange Friendly

Orange Friendly Silkscreen & Artistry

very very very productive weekend

Posted By Kelly Orange on May 17, 2006

Sooooo this weekend was rad. Sat night art show at the kava loungewent well, I think they sold 7 pieces! I left at 11 to go to the round house bacon/beater bash for Brown’s b-day where there was lots of bacon, bacon jello (yes I ate some & it wasn’t too bad, didn’t touch the bacon in it though), bacon wrapped around corn, bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers, bacon fried rice, & there was ranch dip in people’s hair as well as noodles from the dish I can’t pronounce cuz i’m not phillipino, we’ll just say it was not vegi friendly……but on the other hand it was very toiletpaper friendly. Steve Brown & I decided it would be awesome to toiletpaper their house during their party, and being the good sports that they are, they didn’t mind & I think steve brown cleaned it up..72 rolls of papery white fun. Sunday woke up kind of hung over & didn’t leave for the la show until later than I’d liked to but, oh well…..janelle & i went to go pick up our pieces from kava lounge & were pleasantly (originally i wrote presently, yes I like to use words that look like the correct ones.) surprised that we’d sold stuff! AWESOME! & by the same person so our artwork will live together forever. I grabbed my remaining pieces & we were finally off to the show. We played Gnarls Barkley pretty much the whole way dodging in & out of traffic laughing the whole way….the show was pretty slow, it being mother’s day & all, but I had one jack & coke, which I will call jack on ice with a splash of coke cuz it was like taking a shot every sip, it was Crazy… Gnarls says, & by the end of the show Miriam had sold all her pieces, everyone was walking around with their ties on, & I sold the two pieces I had left over from the show on SAT. It was awesome. Those 3 pieces I made last weekend while watching the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy extended version…Good turnover I’d say. It was pretty cool… luck is returning somewhat….but I was sad to hear my friend Caley tell me the horrors of her weekend. Well, first she won $900 in vegas friday night (all because of me, I might add, NOT), but then she was forced to return early because her neighbors were the ones shot to death in their driveway in the quiet little town of encinitas. Her next door neighbors, the husband is still alive in a coma, but was found on her front lawn………so what happens when you have really good luck? It will at some point turn to bad luck there is always that yin/yang aspect going on in all things….hey woah everything relates to lost. good one. bad one.

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