Orange Friendly

Orange Friendly Silkscreen & Artistry

Day 6: Dunwoody

Posted By Kelly Orange on September 25, 2008


We woke up pretty early this morning, ate breakfast and then went out to play golf. 1st time ever, and I`ll just say I did awesome! I like hitting things with sticks. We all played 11 holes, or well, Rich, Ricky and I did, Nancy made it through 2 before she told us we were crazy for playing while it was so hot. No one else was on the course at all, probably the only chance I will ever get to play golf without anyone around so we could take our time. I had some pretty good hits in there, and I was getting some good bounces, and I don`t think I lost any balls on the first trip out. Almost the whole course is lined with dense jungle, so if you hit it anywhere in there, there`s no finding it. It started raining 1/2 way through, but it was a welcome relief. I think the rain soaked us as much as our own sweat did. Ricky and I played about 4 more holes after Rich gave in, but as soon as we got to the 5th hole the second time around the sun had come out again and was too much so we skipped to the 9th and decided to call it a day…. but that was only the beginning.

Nancy and Rich drove up in the golf cart just as we were returning the gear we`d rented on the way to lunch (3 sets of clubs came with our room so we hopped on the cart and dropped the stuff off at the room and joined them). We ate a quick lunch and then had to go down to get some more gear for the snorkeling trip they had signed us up for at 2. It was just the 4 of us and they boated us out a ways to the reef. The water was so clear and you could see the bottom right below us the whole way out. I saw sea cucumbers, blue starfish, all kinds of different colored fish, purple coral & these two funny looking fish that looked like they had little feelers coming out of their mouths, almost like catfish. Of course I ended up with faulty goggles that leaked sea water no matter what I did, but Rich traded with me because he`d already been there, I was grateful. The water was calm and right before we were to go back in a boat came by and then all of a sudden the wind picked up and it started getting really choppy. It was kind of weird, but we were done anyways.

Back at our room, we cleaned up & hung out for a while and then headed over for the sunset and dinner. Nancy, Rick and I walked over past the adult camping area where no one was staying to a point where we thought we`d be able to see the sunset. It turned out that they were doing all kinds of construction on the little beach and reconstructive work to the cliffs to keep them from eroding so we couldn`t really catch any great pictures without poles and lines in our way. We walked up to the top of a little mountain on the point but there wasn`t really any lookouts, just a pathway between dense trees and brush. I was way ahead of everyone and almost walked face first into the biggest spider I have ever seen on a web. Nancy told me it was a banana spider, I`m guessing it`s named that because the back part was black and yellow and shapped like a little banana. It was huge, about the size of Rick`s hand. I took a bunch of pictures of it, and all the little babies that were hanging onto the web, and Rick even dared to go underneath the web to see if I could get him in the picture behind it. Let`s just say we decided to turn around before it got dark.

I had gotten a bunch of pictures of last night`s sunset which satisfied me enough so we went in and had dinner, which again, was great. A few drinks, some more slots and then it was time for miniature golf.

Oh shit, I forgot, right before we went to dinner we were trying to figure out if we needed a military ID to check out equipment for all the activities in case Rich and Nancy weren`t around and Rich asked me “What is your real name anyways? I`ve been putting you down as Kelly Dunwoody!” We all had a good laugh about that one, it`s a new running joke.

Ok, back to miniature golf. The equipment check out was closed way before it`s posted closing time (probably because thier was no one there), but since we had those 3 sets of clubs in our room Ricky ran back to get them with some balls and play anyways. Saved us some $, and we just shared the 3 putters. Man, am I bad at putting. I can whack the damn thing but I get very impatient so most of the time I ended up off the course, but it was a good time. Dang were we tired that night. We passed out right away in our sandy bed… Dunwoody out.

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